Monday, October 25, 2010

Thanks alot CUPID!

We grow up with this preconceived notion of and rainbows and kisses and comfort and fireworks and that"perfect person".It's apparent that someone was so devastated by the effects of (something went horribly wrong)LOVE that they decided to put together the perfect idea of what love should be.Everyone wants to be loved, to feel needed and wanted,but somewhere along the way it gets all muddled up..we set boundaries and conditions of our love or what we think love should be. Love should be honest,kind,hopeful,
spiritual,brave,noble,unselfish.I believe in LOVE...the connection from a parent to a child, to a sibling, to members of a family.I have been disregarded and disrespected and hurt to my core being that I don't believe in love from a relationship aspect.I would rather be alone than with someone who is just going to hurt me.I guard my heart,I don't want it that way but what choice do I have.I'm tired of crying and trying to figure why I'm not good enough for"this person". I used to believe in fairy tales and magic,but now days I believe in solace and heartache....Sometimes I feel like I'm spiritually dying,Why should I share my soul with someone who is only going to hurt it.Measure LOVE carefully my darling, and if you find yourself questioning your heart,remember that loving yourself and those around you( those you know who love you no matter what) is better than loving someone who puts conditions on their love..

Until next time.....hugs,smiles and best wishes!!!!!!!

 ScoobyDoo :)

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