Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Religion....here we go!!!

OK..so I believe that it doesn't matter what religion you are, as long as you have Faith, that's all that should matter.But in today's world of what's right and wrong( according to whom ever dictates what is morally right and wrong), being this religion or that religion isn't an easy thing to maintain. 99.9 percent of my family is Catholic either by birth or marriage or by choice. I grew up going to mass with my great aunt and I would get butterflies in my tummy whenever we walked into the ancient Cathedral like church. Something about a 2,000 year old religion fascinated me...it struck me to my core being. This ancient religion, so beautiful and rich in it's customs and traditions was taboo for me. I wasn't born Catholic,although some in my family would dispute that fact...they say"It's in your blood"... apparently I have 7 different blood lines running through my veins and among the dominate features and habits of each blood line results in the finding that all 7 different blood lines are in fact CATHOLIC. The older I became the more I wanted to know more about this religion that for some reason I found beautiful.. so I enrolled In R.C.I.A classes and am taking the steps to convert to Catholicism. But my point is, as with any religion..just because you find it fascinating doesn't mean that someone else should, have to or want to. It's an individual choice to believe what ever you want to believe. We shouldn't tell someone they have the wrong religion just because we disagree. You wouldn't want someone telling you that you can't go here or there because your hair isn't the most popular color at the time.What right do we have to tell anyone they aren't going to Heaven because of their religion...we are not the Judge... the Bible says"You will be judged according to your deeds" not according to your religion.. I don't think God really cares what religion you are, He only cares that you believe in him. So..believe what you want and don't worry about what other people believe..Keep this question  in mind:" What have I done for someone today?".

Until next time, hugs, smiles and best wishes!!!

 ScoobyDoo :)

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