Friday, October 22, 2010

It's a ME thing!! lol

Top of the mornin!( in my best attempt at an Irish :)  ).
I just adore photography..more in specific black and white photography.
I'm not saying that I don't like color film as well( the world would indeed be boring with out color)but there is just something about it that I find beautiful.
I often find myself pulling massive mountains of books from the library on the subject..( I am truly a bookworm).Some people debate that photography is an ART..and in some cases I do agree, but what defines ART?...Beauty is in the eye of the beholder( I agree 100%).I photograph everything that I find interesting ,strange and beautiful.Photography is about capturing the world around YOU,through YOUR eyes.What inspires YOU?,what issues do YOU find important?.You don't have to be trained for years and years to be a master at photography,but I do suggest  reading up on the subject to see if the ideas mentioned are worth noting.Just because something works for one person doesn't mean that it will work for you.Have fun while you "shoot"(your bold,be daring but do however make sure you have permission to photograph someone(get it in writing and date it), something on private property(again,get it in writing and date it),or in a public establishment(in writing and date it). I can not stress enough the importance of getting permission in writing and a date on will save alot of headaches..So my darling,YOU are the artist..and the WORLD is YOUR canvas!! <3
Until next time...hugs,smiles and best wishes!!!!!


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