Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Your village called..they need their IDIOT back!!..

I have slight road rage..and by slight I mean hostile!!..Where did these people learn to drive?,seriously...they are going to kill someone!!..I have one thing to say to all the wanna be NASCAR drives.."IT"S CALLED A FLIPPIN TURN SIGNAL!!!!!!!!!!!", for the sake of my life and other's..USE IT!!!!. It's not designed to hold your hair ties, bracelets and what not!!! is designed to let other's(mainly me)know where you are going!!!...nothing makes me madder than spit fire than for someone to not use their turn signal!!..(grrrrrrrrrr) Really? you think you don't need to use it and your the worlds best driver?..Grow up!!,I don't care how long you have been driving,it takes only one time to alter your life and or someone else's life forever..Some of us have our children in the car!, and let me be the first to tell you that parent's are a different breed all our own, and if our children's life is in anyway threatened we will ensure that those posing a threat to them are dealt with...and trust me, you DO NOT want to mess with a protective might as well jump off a cliff or swim with sharks...And do you really have to cut me off just to make a right hand turn 3 feet from you,without using your turn signal!!!. I am declaring myself the turn signal police!!...every time I see someone not using their turn signal I promise I will let the know about it!!..So remember..if you don't want me honking my horn or simply letting you know exactly what I think about you( I cuss like a sailor)...PLEASE USE YOUR TURN's the stick that moves UP and DOWN..UP for RIGHT and DOWN for LEFT!!!

Until next time my side seat driver..hugs,smiles and best wishes!!!

 ScoobyDoo :)

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