Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bullies...he said she said...

I have been debating on topics to blog about.You name it A-Z I have written it down on my note pad full of cramped wording and doodles.A friend of mine suggested that I address the issue of bullies.So here we go!..I think that bullies of any kind(big or small) should not be tolerated what so ever. It is never OK to hurt someone emotionally or physically.I often find myself wondering what is wrong with parents these days...what happened to discipline?...but now you got kids threatening to call CPS or 911 on their parents...I'm sorry but I would not be scared of my child.I grew up with my grandmother's morals and values and if I was to act like some of these kids today she would have paddled my bottom and grounded me till I was 35!!!.. Parents..the time has come to take back charge of your home!..I'm not saying beat them to a pulp or leave marks on them,I'm saying let them know who is in charge...your house,your rules.I have a no doors policy in my home...except the secrets,,you respect me I respect you...let them yell and scream..they won't die...if they want to call 911 offer to call them yourself..they can take them to jail for not listening to creative, be brave...Bulling starts in the home and then carries over into the school's.My daughter was being bullied the beginning of the school year.I took the routine steps and talked to the teacher and the bus driver and finally I was up at the school being a fearless and brave lioness protecting my endangered cub.They told me they can't watch them 24/7 and I told them then why would I want to send my daughter to a school where she wasn't safe.I might as well home school her.Bulling leaves scars on both ends and as a Mother I want whats best for my grow up happy and to feal safe and loved and that people are good despite the ones who make it hard to trust anyone.We all need to play a roll in preventing kids from bulling and to protect those who are being bullied..If your a parent or not it shouldn't matter..stand up for whats right.Alot of kids end their lives due to being bullied because they feel like they have no one to talk to , or no one who cares...You could be the one who saves a life..Show you care...Action speak louder than words my friends..
Until next time, hug,smiles and best wishes!!!!


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